For Forms Administrator

Logging In and Managing Your Account

1.How to login

  1. Navigate to your district's login page

  2. Input your login ID and password,and select Login

  3. At the welcome screen, select icon under Interactive Forms Manager

  4. In My Desktop, select Categories/Forms/Reporting and other links to access under Forms-Administrator module (Portal Client)

2. How to recover your password

  1. Navigate to your district's login page

  2. Select Forgot Password

  3. Input your login name, and select Next

  4. Input the answer to your security question, and select Next

  5. Check your email inbox for an email that contains your password

3. How to modify your account information

  1. Login, and select My Account from the menu

  2. In My Desktop, select My Account (Portal Client)

  3. Select Modify

  4. Modify your account information, and select Submit

Managing Forms

4. How to create a new form

  1. Login

  2. Select Forms under Administrator’s tab; select Forms under Forms-Administrator module in My Desktop (Portal Client)

  3. Select Create Form

  4. Fill in Basic Information of the form (Form Template, Form name, Category )

  5. Set the Routing Information:

    • Remove/Add approval levels

    • Select the approvers of the form

    • Check the boxes to allow:

      • Allow System to Decide the Submission Level

      • Allow Form Approvers to Update the Form Content during Approval Process

      • Allow Form Submitters to Resubmit the Form

      • Allow Form Approvers to Make the Final Approval of Form at Each Level

  6. Click Next and select a form manager to manage submitted forms

  7. Check the boxes to allow:

    • Request Submitter Name and E-mail for Public Submissions

    • Allow Form Submitter to Save the Form

  8. Click Finish

5. How to manage the routing level

  1. Login

  2. Select Forms under Administrator’s tab; select Forms under Forms-Administrator module in My Desktop (Portal Client)

  3. Click the icon Description: Routing corresponding to the form to assign approvers of the form to the different routing levels

  4. Go to Manage Routing page

  5. Check the checkmark(s) next to the approvers you wish to assign for each routing level. In order for a routing process to be successful, at least one approver must be assigned to each routing level

  6. Click Save button

6. How to manage the notification for a form

  1. Login

  2. Select Forms under Administrator’s tab; select Forms under Forms-Administrator module in My Desktop (Portal Client)

  3. Click icon Description: Email that corresponds to the form you just created to modify the notifications for

  4. For each routing level, to specify the users in the routing process that should be notified when the specific routing level has approved and denied the form, check the checkboxes corresponding to the users under Approval Process Notifications

  5. To add a user’s e-mail address:

    • Enter the e-mail address in the Additional Notifications text box to the left of the Add button

    • Click Add

  6. To remove an additional user’s e-mail address:

    • Click on the e-mail address of the user that you would like to delete in the list box to the left of the Remove button

  7. Click Save button

7. How to search for a specific form Current Search Scope

  1. Login

  2. Select Search under Administrator’s tab; select Search under Forms-Administrator module in My Desktop (Portal Client)

  3. Note: If you do not disable cookies in browser, the page shows the result under the search criteria you set last time as

  4. Click Show Search Criteria link on the top right hand side of the page

  5. Search criteria box appears under the link

  6. Set search criteria by selecting status, categories, forms, submitters, approvers, keyword, submit date range

  7. Click Search link at the bottom of search criteria box to begin search


8. How to create a report based on a form

  1. Login

  2. Select Reporting under Administrator’s tab;Click Reporting Module in My Desktop (Portal Client)

  3. Click Create New Report button, navigate to Select Form wizard

  4. Select option Report base on a form

  5. For the Select Form wizard:

    • Select a form template in the Available Templates dropdown box.

    • Select a form in the Available Forms list box

      Note: Forms with an “*” next to them indicate there have been no submissions for that form and it cannot be reported on

    Input title for this new report in the Report Title text box

    • Click the Next>> button to navigate to the Select Criteria wizard

  6. For the Select Criteria wizard:

    • Select the submitters

      Note: If you don’t choose any submitter, the system will include all submitters.

    • Select the approvers

      Note: If you don’t choose any approver, the system will include all approvers.

    • Select the status

      Note: If you don’t choose any status, the status includes three types Approved, Pending, In Review.

    • Specify submit time range and final approve time range to filter out forms.

      Note: If you don’t choose time range, the system will include all forms.

    • Click the Next>> button to navigate to the Select Fields wizard.

  7. For the Select Fields wizard:

    • Select fields to print on in the Select the fields box to print on the report (max 50) list box

      Note: You can only select a maximum of 50 fields

    • Select fields to group result in the Select fields to group by (max 3) list box

      Note: You can only select a maximum of 3 fields. The fields selected here have to be included in the fields which are selected to print on the report

    • Select fields to sort result in the Select the fields to sort by (max 3) combo box.

      Note: You can only select a maximum of 3 fields. The fields selected here have to be included in the fields which are selected to print on the report

    • Select fields to filter result in the Select the fields to filter by (max 5) combo box.

      Note: You can click the Add Condition and Remove Condition button to adjust amount of fields, you can only select a maximum of 5 fields

    • Click the Next>> button to navigate to the View Report wizard

  8. For View Report wizard:

    • Report result appears in the page

Resolving Technical Issues

9. "Forms Manager doesn't seem to be working properly. Help!"

You can access JAM using most popular web browsers. However, certain web browsers tend to work best. We suggest

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 and above on PC

  • Firefox 3.0 and above on PC/MAC

  • Safari 3.0 and above on PC/MAC

Your browser's settings may also cause some problems. Typically, enabling cookies and scripting resolves most issues. In the meantime, trouble Shoot using below link

To report issues, or to leave your comments/suggestions, please contact to help us improve IFM

Forms Approver

Logging In and Managing Your Account

1. How to login

  1. Navigate to your district's login page

  2. Input your login ID and password,and select Login

  3. At the welcome screen, select Forms Manager under Interactive Forms Manager

  4. In My Desktop, select Pending Forms/Processed Forms links to access under Forms-Approver (Portal Client)

2. How to recover your password

  1. Navigate to your district's login page

  2. Select Forgot Password

  3. Input your login name, and select Next

  4. Input the answer to your security question, and select Next

  5. Check your email inbox for an email that contains your password

3. How to modify your account information

  1. Login, and select My Account from the menu

  2. Select Modify

  3. Modify your account information, and select Submit

Approving Submitted Forms

4. How to review pending forms list and approve forms

  1. Login, and select Approve Forms under Approver’s tab; select Pending Forms under Forms-Administrator module in My Desktop (Portal Client)

  2. Click a form name to open the form

  3. Click Submit & Next to approve the form and next pending form

For Forms Manager

Logging In and Managing Your Account

1. How to login

  1. Navigate to your district's login page

  2. Input your login ID and password, and select Login

  3. At the welcome screen, select Forms Manager under Interactive Forms Manager

  4. In My Desktop, select Managed Forms/Reporting links to access under Forms-Manager (Portal Client)

2. How to recover your password

  1. Navigate to your district's login page

  2. Select Forgot Password

  3. Input your login name, and select Next

  4. Input the answer to your security question, and select Next

  5. Check your email inbox for an email that contains your password

3. How to modify your account information

  1. Login, and select My Account from the menu

  2. Select Modify

  3. Modify your account information, and select Submit

Managing Forms

4. How to search for managed forms under different statuses

  1. Login, and select Manage Forms under Manager’s tab; select Manage Forms under Forms-Manager module in My Desktop (Portal Client)

  2. Click Show Search Criteria

  3. Select the Status(Approved/Denied/Pending/In Review/No need for approval) to allow forms under the status displayed

  4. Select Forms/Approvers/Keyword/Date Range to filter the forms

  5. Click Search


5. How to create a report based on a form (Refer to Reporting for forms administrator, page 3)

For Forms User

Logging In and Managing Your Account

1. How to login

  1. Navigate to your district's login page

  2. Input your login ID and password, and select Login

  3. At the welcome screen, select Forms Manager under Interactive Forms Manager

  4. In My Desktop, select Forms/My Forms links to access under Forms-User (Portal Client)

2. How to recover your password

  1. Navigate to your district's login page

  2. Select Forgot Password

  3. Input your login name, and select Next

  4. Input the answer to your security question, and select Next

  5. Check your email inbox for an email that contains your password

3. How to modify your account information

  1. Login, and select My Account from the menu

  2. Select Modify

  3. Modify your account information, and select Submit

Submitting Forms

4. How to submit a form

  1. Login, and select Forms under Submitter’s tab; select Forms under Forms-User module in My Desktop (Portal Client)

  2. Click a form name

  3. Fill in required information in the form

  4. Select a form approver in the approver’s dropdown list

  5. Click Submit

5. How to save a form

  1. Login, and select Forms under Submitter’s tab; select Forms under Forms-User module in My Desktop (Portal Client)

  2. Click a form name

  3. Fill in required information in the form

  4. Click Save

  5. Note: Saving a form allows you to save a filled-in form and make any necessary modifications before the form is submitted.